
EMRDA’s Organizational Setting and Management

EMRDA is overseen by the General Assembly and Board of Directors in which the latter is mandated to head and direct organizational policies and directions. Executive Director leads the office that constituted three operational departments and other supporting sections. The departments prepare their own respective annual, quarter and monthly plans and accomplishment reports. At grass root level, there are different program and project coordinating offices that implement the activities of the organization.

General Assembly

According to the organizational bylaw, the general assembly of the organization is undertaken annually to Review the overall organizational activities and financial performance during the previous year and discuss on the achievements how it is going on Vs the SMP (strategic plan Management)

Board meeting

The major decision making body of the organization is the board of director. The board of director has met quarterly, in addition to the incidental meetings, to closely follow up EMRDA’s activities, listen to quarterly reports and provide the necessary technical advises and corrective measures, if any that would bring even more achievements in its integrated development endeavors.

Management Committee

EMRDA has a management committee, which meets weekly to discuss on previous activities executed by each department as well as to plan activities for the next operations.

Staff meeting

Headed by the Executive Director of the organization, all EMRDA staff meets every first week of a month. The meeting focuses mainly on accomplishment of the preceding month and report of the following month. Besides, quarter report and plan was used to be presented every three month along with the monthly accomplishment and plan.