EMRDA has signed an agreement with NORWEGIAN CHURCH AID
EMRDA has made agreement with Norwegian Church Aid on September 2018 with the goal of contributing to end all forms of FGM by building a sustained community engagement and capitalizing on the national commitment to end the practice by 2025.
The target beneficiaries of the project will be Children, Adolescent girls/boys, and Women residing in 20 Kebeles of the two target Woredas. As poor male/partner involvement is among the main challenges in FGM challenges, men are considered as primary target groups by the project. Besides, those Service providers, Mosques and Mejlis leaders, and influential people who will be and directly trained and engaged by this project will also be considered as direct beneficiaries of the project. Hence, at the end of this project period, the project will directly benefit a total of 14,673(9,860 girls and women (67%) and 4,813 are men (33%)) in the above categories of people.
The expected outcome of the project is:
- Outcome 1: Communities recognize FGM as harmful and reinforce actions that oppose any form of FGM
- Outcome 2: Services (education, health, justice, livelihoods) are responsive to protect girls at risk and to care for those affected by FGM
- Outcome 3: National level commitments, policies and evidence inform actions at all levels.
The project will adopt the national Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs) strategy founded on the three-pillar approach: prevention, provision, and protection. So that, EMRDA will employ the following strategies in order to achieve the above outcomes and expected outputs:
- Improved community awareness towards the abandonment of FGM
- Increased engagement of religious/CBO leaders to promote the abandonment of FGM.
- Make Services providers responsive to protect girls at risk and FGM affected women
- Ensuring Coordination and Synergies